Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Published Work

Hey All,

Recently I have published a few books(collections of poetry): Darkness Within, Twisted Realms,Soul of the Soulles, and soon to be published Soul of Sin. If you enjoy reading poetry, or like dark poetry, I suggest you check them out. :D

My books are available to order on xlibrix.com, amazon.com, and bn.com, as well as many, many more...

 Currently I am published in:
  1. The Silent Journey '04
  2. The Soud of Poetry '06
  3. Immortal Verse '07
  4. Eternal Portraits '04
  5. The Best Poems and Poets of '04/'05
  6. The International Who's Who in Poetry '04
  7. The Best Poems and Poets of '12
  8. Stars in Our Hearts '12
  9. and many more! :)
At the moment, I am also working on more poetry, as well as a short story and novel collection.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the world

Everyone's so strung up on trying to fix the world, when they are too late. Discovering the polar caps are melting at an increasing rate, it's not much of a surprise compared to how the world is being used and abused. People are scambling to figure out what's wrong when they should have had some common sense in the first place, to know that our resources will not last forever, and if we keep living this wat we do, the end will come a lot sooner!

As people and resources are taken for granted, it's not wonder how we have ended up like this. The resources should've lit the fire under some people, but yet there is still the assumption that things will last forever.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

trapt in your own insanity

sitting in the sark, trapt in your mind.
the alternative realms of sanity you thought never existed.
the true mind is healing,
the reasons you hurt, to feel something.

the mysteries of the days never ending.
the suffering behind those sweet perfect eyes.
what is your deep secret?
what are you hiding?
the paths that cross, listen to the music
of the words we speak.
transforming us to pure nothingness of true utter bliss.

the darkness summons the mind...

the darkness summons the mind of the pure altered state of mind.
the hideous secrets you keep down inside,
life you hide behind- is it truly yours?
the person you are expected to be,
the feelings you are told to feel.

the haunting reality that this is your life,
no matter what comes to you,
this will be your life.
the horrible secrets you choose to hide,
from the ones you love.

hiding in the trees of darkness,
clouded to consume your mind and soul.
no reverting back to the life,
one you once knew was sacred.
the dawning of a new beginning.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New Books

I have recently published three poetry books (Darkness Within, Twisted Realms, and Soul of the Soulless). Currently I am working on two new books, one new poetry book (Continued collection of poetry writing within the past fourteen years, plus new works) as well as a short fiction novel (Short stories ranging from suspense, horror, and science fiction).

To view my poetry books:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Nodar Kumaritshvilli - luge death '10

To Nodar Kumaritashvilli...

A horrific demise at the Whistler Sliding Centre as Nodar Kumaritashvilli, 21, was making his final practise slide before the competition, died in a 90m/h fatal crash on the exit of the 16th corner, launching him over the rim and slammed into an unpadded steel pillar. .... Due to this, the course has been changed to be less dangerous. Does no one have the sane state of mind to have thought that perhaps something like this would have happened? That it just took the death of a young athlete to realize the dangers of certain sports.

As a result of this tradegy, the Canadian and Olympic flags were lowered to half mast. The Georgian NOC and it's athelet's wore black strips. As well, a black patch was placed on the Georgian flag. Discussions on the safety (speed) of the track came to follow...

No matter which way you look at it, the Luge is the most dangerous sport, so why would the speed of the track just simple be ignored? If they were already aware of the dangers of the track, they should have taken extra precautions so that this tragedy wouldn't have happened.

Is this how we will remember an athlete who took his life into his hands trying to represent his country in the Olympics? Is THIS all that we can expect? I, for one will be grossily disgusted at the end of the Olympics if there is no further remembrance for Kumaritashvilli.

As stated, "the 16th corner, the final curve of a high-speed labyrinth that has proved treacherous even for the world's top lugers." This track had already caused disputes for its speeds, so with that in mind, who the hell thought it was safe enough? By this, you'd think someone would have the sense to re-think that course before the competition ever started!

How safe do you feel in knowing that they had the knowledge of this danger, yet no one did anything about it? It makes you wonder what other possible tragedies people are aware of, yet won't tell anyone, or do anything to change it.

R.I.P. Nodar Kumaritashvilli 1988-2010.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Movie Ideas

So, I'm trying to write a script for a horror film, if anyone has any thoughts or ideas they want me to use, let me know... :)

Taking a brief break from Soul of Sin, my fourth poerty book, and working on my novels, which I hope will be available for sale soon! I'll keep ya posted.

Again, please help me out and check out my books: Darkness Within, Twisted Realms, and Soul of the Soulless at Xlibris.com, bn.com, and amazon.com.

A book signing is in the works!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Published Books!

I am a newly starting out poet/author and currently have published three poetry books: Darkness Within, Twisted Realms, and Soul of the Soulless. Each of these books contains poetry I have written within the past 13 years. I have also been published in The Silent Journey by Howard Ely, as well as in The Independent and Free Press.

Please help me out and check out my books :)

They are currently available at xlibris.com, amazon,com, and bn.com.
Thanks :D

Saturday, July 18, 2009

a different life

all that's left is the memories,
the hurt and forgotten,
the dark shadows of the morgue.
the vast emptiness,
the blood curdling screams,
reality check,
monsters in your head.
you're losing it,
your self-control,
your mind.
tortured screams,
re-occuring nightmares,
it doens't seem to end
scars remind you of the past,
fresh blood drips to the floor.
watch it as it collects in the
puddle at your feet,
it never went away,
no one could save,
left to die.

harsh reality

to escape the harshness of reality,
you create a magical world
beyond reality
where everything makes sense
you're safe
and that's all that matters.
no one can hurt you
as long as you believe.